Snap Shot
Welcome to my web site!!
This is another attempt of mine to create my own web site. I intend this site to be like a monthly magazine, which I will change and update each month.
Included each month will be a Jokes page which will include new jokes I've come across each month.
The picture Gallery, same as above, but weird or funny images I've found or been given.
The wine cellar. This is a review of all wines I have tasted each month. I am by no means a wine expert, just like to drink a little, and thought it would be fun to give my opinion on each one. I am normally a lager drinker....but think reviewing lager will be, well....quite simialar, there's alot more wine's out their to try.
Reviews. This will be a film review on everything I have seen that month. As I love watching films, I look forward to doing this.
Top Tens. Each month, I will compile top tens on various subjects, which will change from month to month....see what ya think.
As well as the Mailbag, which will give across all the opinions & views of any visitors to my site.
Every now and then I might include a new page...but, we'll wait & see how things go.
Hope you like my site, let me know what you think. What you liked, and as time passes and I get better on this, hopefully the web site will get better as well!!!!
Enjoy your visit.....